Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Benmore --by Hannah

The Sciennes Primary School P6s spent the week of February 4-8th at Benmore Outdoor Centre.

My first activity was absailing and climbing. We learned how to belay ourselves on an indoor wall. After about an hour of practice inside, group one headed for the big wall. It was a 50 foot wall that I climbed up! After a tricky climb up, I was at the top. Now to get down, you had to belay yourself down. It was very scary but on the bright side you got a great view while going down!

Orienteering was probably one of my favorite activities, the reason for this is I had never done anything like it before. Also I was pretty good at it. I came in 4th place in the race. Also I learned I was good at map reading.

My dorm Lewis was the Outer Hebrides. The girls were Robyn (one of my best friend), Rowan, Justine, Stephanie, Louise, Martha, and Selana.

The forest walk was just average. We had to look for boxes (in the boxes contained objects that other groups had put there so you would take an object and leave an object).

I quite enjoyed Mountain Biking. My group had to go in water, go down steep hills and go on ramps. It was pretty fun.

I did a gorge walk. It was very hard but still very enjoyable. At the end of it you got to slide down a waterfall. I got SOAKED!

I loved High Ropes. One of the main reasons for that is I am VERY good at climbing. I even got to do a trapeze! It was a BLAST.

The disco was a great way to end a fabulous week. In the morning all of us trouped down to the coaches. After a last look the bus pulled away.

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